Mission in Action - Mission Presbytery

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Presbyterians Pondering Peace in the Holy Land

MOSD is sponsoring two educational events in September in preparation for our October Presbytery meeting where PC (USA)’s response to the Palestinian/Israeli situation will be discussed. We are hoping that some from your church will be able to attend one of these forums. The forums are entitled:


Each forum will provide a balanced presentation of the history, issues and what’s at stake in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In addition, the agenda will also include small group discussions and a panel discussion with voices from both sides represented. The panel will be moderated at each forum by Dr. Whit Bodman, Assistant Professor of World Religions at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Come with your own ideas of an answer to "What would peace in the Holy Land look like to you if it could be achieved?" and be prepared to discuss this in a small group.

We have tried to locate these forums so that it may relatively convenient for anyone to attend from all of our far-flung Presbytery:
September 18 at Grace Presbyterian Church, Corpus Christi
September 25 at New Braunfels Presbyterian Church in New Braunfels [Postponed to October 2, same time and place]
Each will be 3:00 – 6:00 on a Sunday afternoon -

Goals of each forum:
* To help us as Presbyterians gain better understanding of the history of the conflict, the efforts made by the UN and the U.S. to bring about peace, and the issues that keep Israelis and Palestinians from achieving a peaceful resolution to their conflict
* To clarify the reasons for the recommendations included in the action of the 2004 General Assembly calling for the initiation of a process of "selective, phased divestment" in companies that are in some way supporting the Israeli military occupation of the Palestinian Territories or are involved in violence there that is harming Israelis or Palestinians.
* To examine concerns that some Presbyterians have about how we can best promote peace in the Middle East in the name of Jesus Christ.
* To explore other options that Presbyterians might consider in advocating for peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and keeping the peace with our Jewish neighbors and our Presbyterian friends.
* To engage in a consensus-building process regarding affirmations we can make as Presbyterians praying and working for peace in Israel.

For information on the forum locations:
Corpus Christi
New Braunfels