Guatemalans Thank Mission Presbytery
In our concern for the victims of Katrina and Rita, many of us forget the suffering of our neighbors in Guatemala from Hurricane Stan. Our Presbytery raised emergency funds to help. This is a report from Guatemala on the use of some of Hurricane Stan Relief. It comes through CESSMAQ, our cooperative work with the Maya Quiche Presbytery there. It describes the technical training of 13 women from one community in sewing so that they have some form of income after the hurricane devastated the traditional sources of work. They now are able to produce clothes for themselves and for sale.
Respected brothers and sisters:
Please receive from CESSMAQ and from Eben-Ezer Church, Cantòn Los Angeles, greetings in the brotherly love that unites us. We are giving you the first result from the emergency fund that you generously shared with us at the end of 2005. On December 5, 2005, training in cutting and assembling women's clothing was started in Canton Los Angeles, with the goal that the women would obtain a way to work and make money to confront the poverty that increased with Hurricane Stan.
On March 8, 2005, with a worship service of thanksgiving, 13 women graduated in assembling of blouses and skirts. The Pastor Mariano Ernesto Gònon shared the word of God. The women tearfully told how they had always dreamed of having a trade, which now is a reality thanks to the gifts of the brothers and sisters of Mission Presbytery. There was an exhibit of the clothes that they had made.
The group of 13 women was made up of sisters from Eben-Ezer Church, other protestant churches, and Catholics. In respect to this diversity, sister Ruth Mejia said that poverty, sewing machines, and hope united the women during their three months of training. They hope to continue united and mutually to help each other. Their faith was strengthened by praying together to God.
Thank you, brothers and sisters, for your help that gives a better future to the lives of many families.
God bless you.
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