Mission in Action - Mission Presbytery

Friday, April 27, 2007

News from Eagle Pass, Piedras Negras

A Letter from Proyecto Amistad Border Ministry

Dear Friends,

Since many of you have contacted Proyecto Amistad with your concerns about the devastating storm that hit Piedras Negras and Eagle Pass last night (10 people dead, tornado, and large hail) we decided to use the Amistad Update to respond. Roberto spoke with Pastor Carlos Pena of Uno en el Espiritu church in Piedras Negras, today (April 25). Carlos reports that no church members were injured but that they did suffer storm damage. We will visit the church and area tomorrow to offer help and learn more about the situation. I understand that some of the most damaged areas include the area where 37 people died in the flood three years ago.

Thank you all for your concerns and prayers. We will send follow up information. Since Proyecto Amistad offices are now located two hours from Eagle Pass in Laredo, TX and Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, we did not experience any bad weather.

Please, continue praying for the recovery of all who were affected by the storm.

In Christ's name,

Chris McReynolds and Roberto Medina