Mission in Action - Mission Presbytery

Monday, April 20, 2009

New Mission Brochure Available

The Mission, Outreach and Service Division has produced a brochure (click here) of all the ministries that MOSD has supported in the last few years. These are validated ministries that have been held accountable for the funds that they have received. We urge member churches of Mission Presbytery to consider supporting one or more of these agencies.

As the Presbytery’s funds shrink, MOSD may not be able to fund these agencies directly, but we hope that individual churches will “pick up the slack.”

In this time of economic downturn, more people need the services of these ministries. The agencies themselves are hurting from lack of enough donations and many are having to cut back. Be generous and support Christian groups through whom we can feed the poor and clothe the naked, probably more efficiently than we can do as individual congregations alone.
Be a sheep, not a goat! (Matthew 25: 31-46)

FOLDING THE BROCHURE: The brochure is intended to be printed double sided and then folded in half. Use legal sized paper, 8 1/2 X 14 for a better look. Each end is then folded toward the middle. The finished product should have the Mission Presbytery cover panel on the front and the Mission Presbytery website/map panel on the back. When it is opened the “What in the World is MOSD?” panel and the Mission Validation Process panel are on the left and right. When fully opened, all the missions represented are on the inside page.