Mission in Action - Mission Presbytery

Monday, September 30, 2013

Comunidades Unidas Pro Salud update

e-mail received on September 27, 2013



I did not know there would be no room for tables at the October Presbytery meeting. I think I will still plan to attend the meeting, especially with focus on Mission. Would be interested in hearing what people have to say. 

All I know is that what CUPS with the help of our friends can do in Mexico means a lot to folks and is a blessing to the children, parents and the teachers. I seem to hear more and more how teachers cannot ask parents for much financial help and the government provides little assistance. One primary school teacher was really challenged this year, and then CUPS stop by to ask her how many students she had. 18 was her answer. We were able to provide, thanks to our donors, school packets, soap for the school and clothing for the students which includes clothing for winter. Lorena, the teacher told me that most children arrive hungry and with the help coming from CUPS, parents dig into their very scarce resources to help with their school food program.  

The Valle Hermoso city social service department provides basic food but it is not sufficient so the 20 pesos per week ($1.65) and that hungry children are not able to learn. Pretty basic. On top of this, new city government with a new mayor and staff means that there is a suspension of DIF supplied food until the new staff gets into office. This happens on October 1. Lorena also shares her resources with another nearby kindergarten! CUPS volunteers built the kitchen dining area for this small school that serves a rural community just north of Valle Hermoso and has helped with school supplies, enrichment materials and clothing, particularly for winter for many years.

In 1998, our volunteers built an expansion for the Cerebral Palsy Center in Valle Hermoso. Last week, the director, Yolanda Ochoa, invited CUPS to attend the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Center. All through the celebratory program, it was so obvious that faith really kept the center open most especially in the recent difficult years.  

Nuff said. Is there anything I can do to help at the October meeting.
Am attaching a couple of photos from the Irene Martinez Kindergarten that I talked about.
Peace and serenity for the great work you are doing on with MOJC.  

Louise Flippin
Comunidades Unidas Pro Salud
613 North 8th Street, McAllen, TX 78501

Telphone 956 686 7456; Cell: 956 605 8159

Email: CUPS7456@sbcglobal.net