Overture from Jackson Woods
Jackson Woods Presbyterian Church Session’s Overture
Submitted to Mission Presbytery
January 17, 2005
Whereas, the 216th General Assembly of the PC(USA) initiated a process of “selective divestment in multinational corporations operating in Israel.”
Whereas, the PC(USA)’s historical commitment to peacemaking and justice is compromised by singling out Israel and stirs up more unrest than it makes for peace, both in the Middle East and in our Presbyterian congregations.
Whereas, an October 7, 2004 letter to PC(USA) congregations written by Rick Ufford-Chase, Clifton Kirkpatrick, Nancy Kahaian and John Detterick stated: “we believe the Presbyterian Church (USA) faces a God-given opportunity for dialog and improved understanding about this important issue, and for us to make a strong witness for justice and peace in the Middle East.”
Whereas, bringing Israel and the Palestinians to the table of peace must be seen as evenhanded, acknowledging the good, the bad and the ugly in all parties involved.
Whereas, selective divestment in Israel by the PC(USA) exacerbates strife and raises anti-Semitic concerns in our Presbyterian congregations which may result in selective divestment by individuals and congregations in the PC(USA) from such things as the PC(USA) per capita assessment in protest of this unjust policy.
Therefore, the Presbytery of Mission overtures the General Assembly of the PC(USA) to treat Israel and the Palestinians with the equality that has been our history; continuing to support Presbyterian churches and encouraging humanitarian aid in both regions, and eliminating the intrinsically biased idea of divestiture in Israel.
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