An Online Forum for Mission Leaders
We have wanted to make this web site really useful to you as a leader in the mission outreach of your congregation. We want to start a forum through which we share our experiences, our successes and – well, those bright ideas that didn’t quite work out.
Beginning this forum, let’s discuss how to recruit members of your congregation to take part in mission projects. This can be the Mission Chairperson’s “cross.” Sometimes a real heavy one!
For example of what might be shared, one thing Westminster Church in Austin has learned is that experienced volunteers often have to mentor new people. If a potential volunteer would really like to help but feels inadequate or overwhelmed, sometimes just working along with a more experienced person can give them the confidence they need. Soon they can take off on their own. So, we need to say, “I’ll pick you up and we’ll work together….”
Mail in your experiences and we’ll compile a list of tried-and-true ways to recruit people to be involved in the mission outreach of your congregation. We know there is a lot of wisdom out there! Share it!
Send your ideas and experiences to
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