Mission in Action - Mission Presbytery

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

San Antonio Area Religious Leaders Encouraged to Attend "Soul of a Citizen"

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14: Engage in a passionate day-long conversation about the state of the world, the state of our souls, our role as citizens, and the legacies we will leave our children. Convened by the peaceCENTER, Fr. David Garcia and Judge Nelson Wolff.

The conversation takes place 9 am - 3 pm at the AT&T Community Centre at San Fernando.

Registration is $25 and is limited to 200 faith and civic leaders. Checks should be payable and mailed to peaceCenter, noted with "Soul of a Citizen." Each participant will receive a pre-conversation and preparation packet.

The address of the peaceCENTER is 1443 S. St. Mary's, San Antonio TX 78210, phone 210-224-HOPE.

Read more and download the flyer.

We hope that Presbyterian church leaders will take part in this chance for profound dialogue.