Border Ministries Tour Form
Yes,I am interested in visiting the following Border Ministries on Thursday, October 18, 2007, from 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m.. (Please check all that you are interested in visiting.)
U.S. Sites:
___ Su Casa de Esperanza Health, education, spiritual support for children &
parents in colonias
___ BARCA Along-side ministry for the marginalized colonia
women along the Border
___ Loaves & Fishes Provides meals, job training, shelter and counseling
to the needy
Mexico Sites:
___ Puentes de Cristo Facilitates relationships, mission trips &
partnerships between Mexican & American churches
___ Comite de Apoyo Along-side ministry for the marginalized maquiladora
workers along the Border
___ CUPS Facilitates Presbyterian Mexico Mission/work trips
for education/healthcare
NAME________________________ EMAIL ___________________________
PHONE (_____)_______________________
Please email this form to A member of the Border Ministries Team will contact you with more information regarding fees to cover transportation costs and lodging.
(The date given at the top of this form is an artifice; please disregard.)
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