Mission in Action - Mission Presbytery

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Presbyterians in Action in Tabasco, Mexico

70% of Tabsco's citizens affected by disaster

Here is some information on the flooding in the state of Tabasco from Dave Thomas, PCUSA liaison to the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico, and the work that is underway:

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

We are writing to inform you of a disaster in Mexico that is not receiving much news coverage in the U.S., but one that has already had greater impact than the recent landfall of Hurricane Dean. Several days ago, there was a weather phenomenon that caused large waves to inundate the coastline of the state of Tabasco, accompanied by heavy rains in the area of two major rivers...the Grijalva and the Usumacinta...which both pass through the state in the city of Villahermosa. The resulting flooding has affected an estimated 70% of the stateĀ“s residents. The situation in Tabasco is severe and extremely critical for thousands of Tabasco residents. The presbytery office in Villahermosa has been converted into a major shelter, and the Tabasco Synod office there is completely flooded.

Earlier this week, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance sent $10,000 as a rapid response fund, but the magnitude of this situation -- which is beyond the control and capability of the local and state government -- demands a comprehensive effort. The good news is that the Mexican government is allowing and facilitating aid from a variety of church-related agencies including the Presbyterians. PDA needs funds right now to deal with this situation. What is desperately needed is canned food, bottled water, blankets, floor mattresses, first aid medicines, equipment and materials for purifying water, and clothing...but because of the limited access to the region, it's preferable that financial aid be sent. It's still possible to buy needed supplies in the local marketplace, which is the best way to meet the needs of the people.

If your U.S. presbytery or local church can help, please send contributions to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, using the following account code: DR000014 for Mexico . You can do this on the PC(USA) website .

PDA is working closely with the leadership of our partner denomination, the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico, helping to coordinate the disaster response with the local Synod and local Presbyteries in Tabasco. Yesterday afternoon [November 02]there was a meeting with 8 presbytery representatives from the Tabasco Synod, but many others did not attend because they couldn't get there. The Mexican Presbyterian leaders who are coordinating the recovery in Tabasco have undergone special training that was conducted cooperatively by PDA and other disaster agencies.

As someone who is involved in a partnership with a Mexican church or presbytery, we urge you to consider making a financial contribution to PDA so that immediate assistance can be rendered in the state of Tabasco.

Que Dios le bendiga,

Dave Thomas, Regional Liaison with Mexico; and Stan DeVoogd, Area Coordinator for Mexico and Central America