Mission in Action - Mission Presbytery

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Manos de Cristo has a New Executive Director


On August 6, 2007, the Manos de Cristo Board named Julie Ballesteros as its new Executive Director. Ballesteros was promoted from Program Director to ED because of her vast knowledge of the organization and her achievements in improving the Basic Needs and Education Programs.

Her performance demonstrates her foresight, management strengths and overall abilities. The Manos Board and Staff are energized about the decision and the new direction of the organization.

Under the new leadership, Manos will continue offering invaluable services including affordable dental care, free education classes, and basic needs to the underserved residents of Austin.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

National Presbyterian Church of Mexico's President visits Proyecto Amistad

The new US coordinator of Proyecto Amistad, Chris McReynolds, writes the following:

"This past weekend we coordinators, Roberto Medina and myself, along with the Amistad board of directors and three of the missions here in Nuevo Laredo – Ebenezér, Monte Síon, and Victoria en Jésucristo – had the privilege of hosting the National Presbyterian Church of México (INPM) General Assembly President Rev. Sául Féria and Vice-President Bernabé Báutista accompanied by Dave Thomas of Presbyterian Border Ministries (PBM).

"The weekend was filled with good food, fellowship, and discussion of the work here at Proyecto Amistad and the partnership, in general, of the INPM and PC(USA). We are thankful for this time of mutual inspiration, encouragement, and education with our partners in God's mission. For reflections on this visit, click here and then click on "Letters - August 2007." "