Mission in Action - Mission Presbytery

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Mission Challenge 07 - a Wake-Up Call

Mission Challenge 07 was a huge success and helped to bring the PC(USA) back to its roots. Mission Presbytery was blessed with presentations by Dennis Smith and by the DVD that was made showing how we are still active in global mission but could do so much more. We need to be awakened to our responsibilities around the world.

Linda Valentine, executive director of the General Assembly Council writes a very encouraging letter about our participation in Mission Challenge 07 and the future of world mission endeavors. Click here to read Linda's letter.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Update on Tabasco Flood Relief

Here is a letter from the Secretary of the General Assembly of the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico about the situation in Tabasco.

Dear Ones in Christ Jesus,

This is a letter of basic and general information about the flooding in the state of Tabasco. Thanks to God and the missions, congregations, churches, Presbyteries, and Synods who responded to the General Assembly's invitation to make special offerings for assistance to the flood relief. We also thank the churches in the United States who have sent aid which has been very significant. All this aid will help hundreds and hundreds of people in Tabasco.

a) 1,200,000 people have been displaced due to the flood.
b) 54,000 are being sheltered by INPM churches.
c) Medical centers in the flood areas are still unable to function.
d) The churches and Presbyteries have helped with 45 tons of food, 20,000 liters of water, 5 tons of used clothing, 5,000 beds, 5,000 blankets, and, at this time, an additional 30 tons of supplies are in route from the Peninsula. More help is expected soon from Xonacatlan and the INPM National Presbyterian Women and various other Presbyteries.
e) Supplies that are needed include more beds, blankets, preventative and curative medicines, gloves, rubber boots, masks, cleaning supplies (disinfectants, chlorine). NOTE: This information was given to us by the Tabasco Committee.

A) 762 people are being housed by the Organization Educativa TASCOOB
B) Various churches have opened their doors to shelter those displaced.
C) We have also received information that 24 churches in the Villahermosa area are housing 2,059 people.
ORGANIZATION: Coordinating the relief effort is the Synod of Tabasco, comprised of six Presbyteries; they have formed the committee Presbytery of Tabasco for the Displaced. The General Assembly is working with the committee and coordinating efforts with them. By sending out this general information we want to share with all of you what is happening and express our gratitude to you for your help. Let us remain motivated in our actions as Christians.

Fraternally yours,
Pbro. (Rev.) Samuel Trinidad B., Secretary of the INPM General Assembly

Note from Dave Thomas, Regional Liaison with Mexico, and Stan DeVoogd, Area Coordinator for Mexico and Central America - "If your U.S. presbytery or local church can help, please send contributions to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), using the following account code: DR000014 for Mexico . You can do this on the PC(USA) website by clicking here. PDA is working closely with the leadership of our partner denomination, the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico, helping to coordinate the disaster response with the local Synod and local Presbyteries in Tabasco."

(Sent to us by Proyecto Amistad)