Mission in Action - Mission Presbytery

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Gifts from Bethlehem

Planning an Alternative Christmas/Gift Market? Olive wood, embroidery, mother-of-pearl crafts are available from Bethlehem.

Riad Hamad had visited many of our churches selling these goods. Riad died in April and his huge store of goods has been turned over to Haithem El-Zabri. Haithem is anxious to sell all these items so that he can get the money to the artisans in Palestine, where poverty has grown and unemployment sky-rocketed.

You may contact Haithem (pronounced "hey-them") at haithem@palestineonlinestore.com or 210-317-2665. He is located in Pflugerville.

Friday, August 15, 2008

A Guide for Christian Voters

Sojourners has put out "an Issues Guide for Christians" called PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES FOR CHRISTIAN VOTERS. It is not partisan and tries to focus our attention on the real Christian values.

You might want to download and distribute this guide for your congregation.

Sojourners says, "We encourage you to use this guide to educate yourself on these issues. This can inform you as you write letters to candidates or to your local newspaper, call radio talk shows, and ask candidates at forums or town hall meetings questions based on these principles.

"Think and pray about whom you would entrust with the responsibility to lead your community, state and nation. We pray that this provides a moral compass to inform prudential political judgments."

You may download this guide by clicking here.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Important Deadline Coming Up!


Time: Monday, August 25, 2008

Make checks payable to Mission Presbytery with "Mission Yearbook" in the memo section.
Adult - $6.75 each
Child - $6.00 each

This is a valuable source of information and prayer guidance. Mission leadership within your congregation needs this and all members will find it helpful. Children will enjoy the activities and readings in their special edition.